Currently, when submitting an application in the GM portal, if you don't want this email to be sent to the applicant you must select the option that will block ALL future comms to the applicant. We'd like to deselect this email only (so the applicant can receive subsequent comms).
An example is submitting apps on behalf of organizations. I had a program where we manually entered ~100 application forms and set up payments (as they already determined recipients based on the prior cycle). In this scenario, we didn't want to confuse the applicants at application creation because there was no action for them to take. However, we wanted them to subsequently get the "payment on the way" email, so I had to go back and manually re-select "receives comms" on every applicant's account prior to the payments being disbursed.
Could you please provide a bit more information? Why don't users want this email, particularly because it prompts them to set up their password and grant access? Why wouldn't a user want to know an application has been created. A real-world example would be helpful.