Like many funders we sometimes provide multi-year grants to paid out over a few years. However, at the beginning of the pledge grant the nonprofit submits an application. We only need one application for the pledge, but in order to make future grant payments we have to create a new application or form. It would be helpful to be able to identify an application on the backend as a Pledge Grant. That we in the future we can add new budgets to the existing application and submit future grant payment requests tied to the original application. It would be quick and keep all the records tied to the original application.
Client Name | Terrance Anibaba |
Employee Name | Texas Capital |
I'm not sure of the further information needed. Can you elaborate what other details are needed? The explanation is as simple as I can make it- for pledge grants that will be paid over multiple years, we only need one grant application on file. However, each year we are making a grant payment to the same program and application already on file. We don't want the nonprofit to complete an application each consecutive year for the same grant. An example - 5 year pledge grant to a nonprofit organization for $500,000. Each year the nonprofit will receive a grant for $100K for five years. In Year 1 the nonprofit completes the grant application. Years 2 - 5 we should be able to make new grant payments to the nonprofit organization from the Year 1 application.