Remove Tags in Bulk and Edit Tag Names in Applications

After applications are tagged, I'd like the ability to remove tags in bulk instead of doing it individually when the tag is no longer relevant or needs to change. For example, I had 100 applications tagged "Round 1" grants, but now I need to remove this tag from 30 of these applications and re-tag them as something else. I'd like to do this as a batch instead of removing the tag individually from each application and then re-tagging them.

Also, I'd like the ability to edit the name of the tag. For example, if I've already tagged 100 applications as "Quarter 1" and need to change the name of the tag to say "Round 1" now. I'd like to just edit the tag instead of having to remove all the tags, create a new tag, and re-tagging it.

  • Guest
  • Feb 23 2023
  • Reviewed: Voting Open
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