Functionality to limit count of application submissions by individual applicant

For some of our grant programs, it makes sense for an applicant to submit multiple applications. However, we are currently running a program where the applicant can only submit 1 application. To reduce the number of duplicate applications (or someone creating a new application when they should be revising the app they already submitted), could there be functionality when building a form to limit the number of applications submitted per applicant?

  • Guest
  • Feb 7 2023
  • Reviewed: Voting Open
Client Name PCG
Employee Name Hallie
  • Attach files
  • Admin
    Meg Radford commented
    April 10, 2023 17:11

    Thank you for your question. If you are referring to applicants applying when the recipient is set to "Individual applicants" rather than organizations, then no, the new feature you mentioned above does not offer that. However, it could be something we would consider developing in the future.

  • Guest commented
    March 28, 2023 21:02

    Hi! I saw in a release that the option to limit the number of grant applications was implemented at organization level. Is it possible to apply this to the "individual applicant" level? Thank you!

  • Guest commented
    February 16, 2023 18:55

    In this scenario, applicants are individuals applying for a grant, so they are not working with an overarching organization. We considered the invite-only option, but it is a large population (approx. 4,000) and the population changes very frequently (e.g., the program is for individuals who work in child care, so new applicants are always entering the field so we wouldn't necessarily know who they are before the program opens). Let me know if you have any other questions. Thanks!

  • Admin
    Meg Radford commented
    February 16, 2023 18:42

    Thank you for your feedback. Are the applicants referenced applying on behalf of organizations? If so, we have work in progress to handle this scenario. Additionally, the invitations feature might be helpful in the meantime as you can make the program invite-only.